About Leeloo:
Whom is the app Leeloo targeted at?
Leeloo is a mobile application designed specifically for the professionals of the beauty industry: hair stylists, colorists, stylists, make-up artists, visagistes, cosmetologists, nail-masters lash & brow masters, masters of epilation / depilation and many others working in the field of beauty services.
Leeloo mobile application is a kind of a pocket office that allows an administrator to find new clients, competently manage their working time, clients bookings and automate many administrative tasks.
What are the options of Leeloo apps?
- Attracting new clients for masters and beauty salons
- Convenient maintenance and management of client booking
- Storing customer data and visit history
- Income and consumption account
- Automatic reminders to clients about upcoming appointments
- Online bookings for your clients
- Professional business card portfolio, services and clients reviews
- And a lot more.
Registration and login:
Account password recovery
To recover the password from your Leeloo account click the main screen: Log in with username and password - Forgot password? - Enter the email address which was linked to your account. Then you will receive an email with a new password.
When registering, it will be written 'Account is busy'.
Most likely, you have already registered with Leeloo. If you do not remember your account password, then try to recover it via email.
The verification code does not come?
Please check your phone number has been entered correctly and the Internet is on. Wait a minute, then click 'Send again'. If the code still does not come, please write to us for technical support.
My city is not on the list of cities.
Write to us via mail, and we will try to add your city shortly. To complete the registration in Leeloo, you can choose any city closest to you available in the list.
My specialization is not on the list.
If the list does not have your specialization, then specify the one that is closest to it (there is a universal profession called Profi).
The service needed is not listed.
You can create your own service. To do this, click the 'Create your own service' button and fill in all the necessary information.
Profile settings:
How do I add a portfolio of your work?
Go to the tab: Menu - My Profile - at the bottom of the card there will be a form to add photos.
How can I add information about yourself?
Go to the tab: Menu - My Profile - About Myself.
Schedule setting:
How can I set up a schedule?
To set up a schedule go to the tab: Menu - Settings - Schedule - specify the start time and the end of that particular working day.
How can I mark days off?
You can create repeating days off if you are working under s standard schedule. And put the days off manually, if you have a floating schedule. To do this, go to the Schedule settings and select 'Days off' tab.
How can I mark breaks in the working day?
Open Calendar in a Day mode and click the time period that you want to be non-working. Next, select 'Non-working time' and set the start and the end time for your break.
How to limit the time for clients self-booking?
You can set only a certain time for clients self-booking (i.e. the client can book only for 10.00, 12.00, 14.00 and 16.00), you have the opportunity to write the client at any time. Go to the tab: Menu - Settings - Schedule - Available time for booking - specify the time available or clients self-booking.
How can I set up and limit online booking?
In the settings of the online booking you can give access to the clients to book appointments for a few months ahead, as well as limit the time for which the client will not be able to book an appointment to you, for example if the appointment start is less than 1 or 2 hours. Go to the tab: Menu - Settings - Schedule - Online booking.
Booking creation:
Can I create an appointment booking to your client?
To create an appointment to your client, open his card in the tab 'Clients' and click the button 'Create an appointment'. In addition, you can create appointments directly from the calendar, for this you need to choose the needed time of the appointment start.
Why do I need to end appointments?
Once the appointment with the client has come to a logical the end, the status of your session in Leeloo is changed to 'Not completed' and an additional button 'Appointment result' appears, by clicking on which you can summarize and terminate this appointment.
Work with clients:
How can I add clients?
You can add clients both at the registration stage and later via 'Clients' tab. You can import your clients from the phone contact lists by clicking the 'Add several' button. In the contact list that opens, tick your clients and click 'Done' button. You can also add clients one at a time in an manual mode. To do this, open the 'Clients' tab after registration, click '+' button in the upper right corner, and then push 'Add manually' tab. Then fill out the client data and save the booking.
Can I add a client without a phone number?
Yes! To do this, go to the 'Clients' tab and click on '+' in the upper right corner.
Important! Please note that clients without a phone number will not receive SMS-reminders of appointments.
How can I invite clients to Leeloo?
Click the 'Clients' tab and select the client you want to send the invitation to. To send an invitation, click on the 'Invite to Leeloo' button. After the client registers with Leeloo, you will appear on the 'Selected masters' list. And in your client list, he/she will have a special mark - 'green icon'.
How will I know which of the added clients are already using the app?
Click the 'Clients' tab. If there is a green icon in the form of a sprocket in the list opposite to the client, then he/she already uses the application.
How can I tell all clients that there appeared an online booking to me with Leeloo?
Go to the tab: Menu - My profile - Address page - Tell clients.
How can a client leave a feedback for me in Leeloo?
In order to give a feedback about the appointment, the client needs to open the mobile application Leeloo and go to the tab: Appointments - Select past appointment - Leave a review. Satisfaction level of the client is measured by the number of stars. The more asterisks there are in the feedback, the more your client is satisfied with the last session and vice versa.
Important! Customers can leave review only through the Leeloo client mobile application.
Is it possible to communicate with clients within the application?
Yes! Communication with the client can be carried out within the appointment period, for this purpose there is a special field 'Comment' in the appointment card.
Can a client attach a photo while creating an appointment?
Yes! The client can attach a photo to the appointment through a special field 'Photos'. Also, at the end of the appointment, you can attach a photo with the result.
How can a client book an appointment to me via the Leeloo application?
The client needs to install the Leeloo client application, by clicking on 'My masters' tab and adding you by phone number.
Important! If you have entered a client into the list of your clients in Leeloo, then after registration you will immediately appear in his/her list of 'Favourites'.
Does a client need to install the Leeloo application to write to me?
No. Your customers can sign up for you from a personal web page, which the masters receive free of charge when registering with Leeloo.
What are the advantages of booking via Leeloo?
Main and essential advantage is that the client no longer needs to call and write to you to get information about free date and time for booking. He/she can do it themselves, without distracting you from work.
The second important advantage is the visibility of records, both future and past. The client can always see the status of his booking and receive additional notifications about any changes in the booking.
The client will receive automatic push reminders about upcoming bookings from Leeloo.
While making an appointment, the client can add a photo of what he/she would like to get. Then you will know in advance what is worth preparing for and what materials will be required.
Can clients see my days off and breaks?
No. Information on whether your time is busy or not will not be available for the clients. They will simply not have the opportunity to make an appointment for this time.
Sms reminders settings:
Sending sms-reminders from your personal number.
If this method is used, all SMS-reminders will be sent from your phone on which the Leeloo application is installed. The cost of sending the SMS will depend on your cellular operator and tariff plan.
To install SMS-reminders from a personal number go to the tab 'SMS notification to clients' - activate the 'Enable Sms notifications' option and select the required types of SMS-reminders: 2 or 24 hours before the upcoming appointment. After creating an appointment and indicating your client in it, they will automatically receive a notification for any phone model. To receive SMS notifications on the client's device, you do not need to set anything, you will receive the usual SMS. As part of creating an appointment, you can switch on or switch off SMS reminders at your discretion.
How can I change the text in SMS reminders?
To change the text of SMS-reminders, go to the tab 'SMS notifications to clients' - select the required type of SMS reminder (2 or 24 hours) for configuration - and make changes to existing text.
Important! To replace automatically such appointment data, as date of the appointment, appointment time and the name of the master, use the following operators: % {name} is the name of the master,% {start_time} is the start time of the appointment ,% {date} is the date of the appointment.
Are the SMS about the appointment sent to all clients?
SMS-reminder about the appointment are sent only to those clients who have a phone number.
Can I switch off the SMS notifications option?
Yes, you can switch off SMS-informing yourself. To do this, go to the tab: 'Sms notifications to clients' - and switch off 'Activate SMS notifications'.
What to do i need to do if the SMS reminders do not reach the clients?
Check the account balance of your tariff plan. To send an SMS your phone account needs to have a positive credit balance. Note that at the moment of sending the SMS your phone should be switched on. The SMS can not be sent from the switched off phone or if there is no signal from the network.
Reinstall the Leeloo application
Re-set up SMS for your clients
Create a test appointment to verify the correct operation of SMS
If your phone's brand is Xiaomi, Meiza, Huawei, Cubot, Lenovo, by default you can have an energy-saving mode enabled, and all third-party applications will be prohibited from working in a background mode except the system ones. You can disable or set the power-saving mode yourself in your phone's settings. Or use the guideline
How can I send an SMS on a dual-SIM phone?
The phone number specified in your Leeloo account does not affect the SMS sending. The SMS is sent from the SIM card that is installed in the phone by default. In the settings of your phone there should be the item 'SIM card management', by which you can select the SIM card you want to send the SMS from. Or just reverse SIM cards)
Privacy policy:
Whom will my customer base be available to?
All of your data will be securely encrypted and accessible only to you in your Leeloo account. We value the trust of the masters who work with us. We will not share your data with third parties or distribute advertising information without your knowledge.
If the phone is broken, will all the data be lost?
No! All your data will be stored not in the phone, but in your account in Leeloo. Once you changed your phone, you still can log in to your account by installing the Leeloo application on another phone - all the data will be there.
What information can a client see through his/her application?
The client can only see the time available for booking. They will never see what exactly your time is busy with - whether it's another booking or just a break. Comments and photos for the appointment will be seen only by the participants of each particular appointment (master and client). Notes in the card of the client will be seen only by the master.
Salons functional:
Where can I find detailed instructions for setting up Leeloo for the salon?
Complete guideline with a video overview of the Leeloo setup for the salon is available at https://leeloostore.com/en/salon/
What shall I do if it is impossible to book a session to our salon?
First, check the following settings:
1. Each master should provide service appointed to on the account of the salon.
2. Each master should have a schedule set up and available time for booking an appointment.
3. There should be no client bookings on the salon account. All client bookings must be appointed to masters.
4. Check whether the online booking is activated on the salon account and on the accounts of your masters.